Thursday 2 December 2010

Photography Project Complete!

The final images for my photography project are currently on my website, I'm having some problems with updating the website, but the photos are all on the website."

Here you can see all of my final images for my photography project. For my photography project I decided to choose a theme of Emotion, though put a twist on it. Now I’m not the best at photography, so I struggled finding pictures that would link with Emotions, so I instead decided to change my theme to "expressing emotion alternatively". This new theme had me express emotion in terms of using "smileys" and expressions/quotes as well as using photoshop to manipulate colours, as colours have a huge effect on emotion.

Each of these photographs have a different emotion behind them, but how people interpert them differently is the main feature of my photography project. My photography project is outrageously simplistic, but that was the idea I was going for, as from what I've learnt from photography so far, is not to make anything more complex than it needs to be. As you can see in my previous Photography post, to get these photos I just used a A3 sketch book, a group of mates and my back garden to create a scene and make an atmosphere suitable for my project.

On the whole I found the project very difficult, and found it hard to come up with ideas on what I would base my project on. But when I started my project and started to get into the flow of it I found it much easier. I think I could have produced a much greater project had I had more experience with photography and had better ideas. I also found the time management a problem, as I had many other projects, though I tried to spend equal time on all of my projects I found this wasn't the case.