Sunday 24 October 2010

Crafts & Media: Photography!

Not only do I create websites, but I also use photography, audio and video as part of my course. These three additional skills will be vital and very useful. The first of these skills, photography, required me to choose a theme and create a project around this theme. I had trouble choosing a theme I knew that I wanted a human element to my photos, as well as a connection to emotions, and experiences but at the same time I wanted my project to be fun, and laid back, just like myself. I just decided to invite a few friends over for inspiration, then suddenly it hit me, why not have my friends write something about/relevant to themselves, and I'll take a photo of them doing so. I didn't want this whole thing to be a serious kind of studio shoot, so I just told everyone to have fun, and write whatever they wanted, whether it true or not. After a few hours we managed to get a lot of good shots, and had a good laugh in the process. We must have taken about 40+ photos, with many different phrases, quotes and even some smiley's (as they are a great way of presenting emotions). 

The day was a complete success and I managed to get everything I wanted from every photograph which, personally, I think photography is all about, finding an image that's completely relevant and does exactly what you want it to do, regardless of expensive equipment, fancy lighting and professional models, I just used a few mates, and my 8.1 mega pixel camera while standing in my garden, on a typical British October day. Who ever said photography was difficult. 
Below are my select photographs of the day.