Wednesday 6 October 2010


This is the first time I've used blogs/blogged, as you've probably guessed, but if you're reading this you must be slightly interested (or at least I hope!). Basically I'm creating this blog to document my next three years, within these three years I am taking a BA (Hons) Web Design Course at the Hull School of Art and Design and I'm using this blog to document all of my work, and how I progress (or struggle) through my degree.

In the next three years I'm going to be using software I've never used, or even heard about, as well as using techniques I've only dreamed of learning. Not only I am going to be creating websites but I'm also creating projects using photography, audio and video, as well as learning about businesses, and professionalism. The only bit of knowledge I have is my C in A level ICT, and some basic ideas of coding, design and business management, hopefully at the end of these three, gruelling years, I'll be the next Alan Sugar, well of Web Design at least.